Managing the Micromanaging Boss

Though the words from my coaching clients can vary, the sentiment is often the same: "My boss is a micromanager. He keeps looking over my shoulder and it drives me crazy!" Is your boss a micromanager? Have you worked for one in the past? If you are currently struggling under a highly directive boss, here's... Continue Reading →

When in Doubt, Act

"Measure twice, cut once." That's how I was raised. In fact, by nature I'm more of a "measure it five times just to make sure" kind of guy. There's a saying something to the effect of, "Anyone who has taken a shower has had a great idea. The question is: what do they do once... Continue Reading →

Buzzword Bingo and Acronymitis

Ever hear of Buzzword Bingo? I used to work with a guy named Bob. If there was a buzzword in our industry, Bob could drop it into a sentence like nobody's business. What's the latest way to say something? Bob would know. During conference calls when Bob was on the other line, we would occasionally... Continue Reading →

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