The dirty little secret of business is that it’s all done on relationships. In our first article in this series, the bottom-line was that you can’t afford to not take the time to invest in this critical aspect of your career. But that’s the rub, isn’t it? It takes time. And who has enough slack in their work... Continue Reading →
The Unwritten Rules Leaders Must Know
In life there are written and unwritten rules. For example, consider the nearest highway to you right now. What is the written rule for the speed limit? (I realize this may be a challenging question you!) OK, now let me ask you this: how fast can you really go without getting a ticket? Certainly the... Continue Reading →
Death By PowerPoint (or video or….)
I know, I know... everybody knows that PowerPoint is all too often abused. Though we are aware of the crime, death by PowerPoint remains way too commonplace in everyday corporate life. This slide show at CIO Magazine's website is a good reminder for us all.John Medina's book Brain Rules: 12 Principles for Surviving and Thriving... Continue Reading →