"Punish Inaction"

I've become a major fan of Dev Patnaik's book Wired to Care: How Companies Prosper When They Create Widespread Empathy I'm looking forward to interviewing Dev tomorrow for an upcoming People and Projects Podcast episode.Don't wait for the interview--get the book now and start reading.While prepping for the interview I came across what I expect... Continue Reading →

"What did they say?"

How often does this happen to you? You're flipping through some notes of a meeting that could have been a week or two ago. As you try to interpret the hastily written scratching you try to remember, "What did they say? What was the context of the meeting when I wrote that down?"Or it could... Continue Reading →

What I "Can" Do

There are times when saying 'No' seems like a career-limiting move. Yet a clear personal productivity principle is learning to say 'No'.Easier said than done.I often cover this topic in our project management and leadership development workshops. Here's a link to my article "How to Say 'No' (Without Saying 'No')" that provides some helpful advice.In... Continue Reading →

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